The mission of the community center is to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and the entire local community The community center provides activities in accordance with § 24d of Act no. 448/2008 Z. z. on social services, as amended, to the entire community and also to an individual in an unfavorable social situation.
KC Senec a KC Jánovce sú zapojené v projekte Budovanie odborných kapacít na komunitnej úrovni (kód ITMS2014+: ) 312041Y403 s cieľom poskytovať kvalitnú odbornú podporu jednotlivcom a rodinám ohrozeným chudobou a sociálnym vylúčením vedúcu k svojpomocnému riešeniu svojich sociálnych problémov, rovnako poskytovať podporu vedúcu k rozvoju celých komunít cieleným využívaním komunitných zdrojov.
The specific goal of the project is to increase the participation of the most disadvantaged and endangered persons in society, including in the labor market. The target group is in accordance with § 2 par. 2 letters h) a natural person in an unfavorable social situation who is at risk of social exclusion or has a limited ability to integrate socially and solve his problems independently: due to staying in a spatially segregated location with the presence of concentrated and generationally reproduced poverty.
- V komunitnom centre sa fyzickej osobe v nepriaznivej sociálnej situácii podľa
§ 2 ods. 2 písm. h)- provides
- basic social counseling,
- assistance in exercising rights and legally protected interests,
- assistance in exercising rights and legally protected interests,
to and from school,
- carries out preventive activity,
- is provided by an interest activity.
- provides
- Community work and community rehabilitation are carried out in the community center.
- Social service in the community center can be provided on an outpatient basis
social service and field form of social service through
field program.
Otváracie hodiny
KC Senec
Pondelok až štvrtok 8:00 -15:30 (V prípade aktivít do 19:00)
Piatok od 8:00 do 12:00
KC Jánovce
Pondelok až piatok 8.00 – 15.30

- Adresa a fakturačné údaje:
- TENENET o.z.
- Oravská 3083/4
- 903 01 Senec
- IČO: 42255015
- DIČ: 2023343729
- IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
- Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
- VVS/1-900/90-380 68
- Ak sa Vám činnosť nášho združenia
páči, podporte nás aj vy:
IBAN: SK04 0900 0000 0051 7574 8435 Č.ú.: 51 7574 8435/0900