The projects focus on supporting the performance of social and legal protection of children and social guardianship in a natural family environment.
The main activity of the projects will be implemented by 3 sub-activities, namely:
- Sub-activity 1 – Implementation of measures of social and legal protection of children and social guardianship in the natural family environment, aimed at limiting and eliminating negative influences that threaten the mental development, physical development or social development of the child and adult natural person in accordance with §11 of Act no. 305/2005 Coll. On SPODaSK except mediation.
- Sub-activity 2 – Implementation of selected educational measures §12 par. 1 let. b), §12 ost. 1 letter d) of Act no. 305/2005 Coll. o SPODaSK.
- Sub-activity 3 – Supervision
The aim of the sub-activities is:
- extension with new elements of the measure for clients – separate methodological instructions and defined offer of help tools
- increase in the intensity of performance of measures within the already implemented measures for clients – this is an increase in the intensity of performance in comparison with our previous performance of SPODaSK measures also with regard to strengthening and building the applicant’s staff capacity in terms of expansion thanks to this project. In cooperation with academia, we involve FZaSP TRUNI social work researchers to clearly identify risk factors and critical points for the implementation of these measures and subsequently incorporate the newly acquired knowledge into the development of methodologies for these SPODaSK performance measures for more effective work with dysfunctional families.
Support for the implementation of measures of social protection of children and social guardianship in the natural family environment – since the beginning of the project in 2017 we have a total of 329 clients (BSK – 205, TTSK – 124), so in 2018 new 157 clients were added (BSK – new 106, TTSK – new 51).
Documents for download can be found HERE.
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