Crisis intervention

Crisis intervention

Specialized professional activity focused on a specific period in human life. It is a support network of measures aimed at stabilizing, restoring the sense of security and strengthening coping strategies, and setting up further measures after the crisis.

Intervention pyramid for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency situations


  • In the initial phase, it is necessary to focus on basic needs and services.
  • Basic necessities
    • accommodation
    • material assistance
  • basic health care
  • It includes the entire population
  • Immediately after the crisis situation

  • provide psychological first aid
  • National Mental Health Line also in Ukrainian:
  • Crisis helpline in Ukrainian iPčko:
  • League for Mental Health:
  • Help create mechanisms for the normal management of the abnormal situation


WHO – What to do in times of stress – illustrated handbook (SVK, UA, ENG), stress management, self-help

  • psychological first aid manual
  • interventions aimed at people in discomfort, with manifestations of anxiety, stress, fear….
  • it is applied from the beginning of the crisis situation to 1 month

  • In the next phase, it is necessary to focus on the activation of social networks. Support areas suitable for children and families with children.
  • Development of community provision of psycho-social support
    • Community-Based Approaches to MHPSS Programs: A Guidance Note
    • WHO – Problem mamagemet plus
  • aimed at people with mild psychiatric disorders, intense manifestations of anxiety, stress, fear….
  • activities carried out after stabilization in the period from one month to one year after the exposure to the traumatic event

  • Psychological and psychiatric help
  • aimed at people with psychiatric diagnoses, moderate and severe psychiatric illnesses
  • long-term professional care

Useful applications

  • First aid to terror
    • contains preferred responses after exposure to a terrorist attack (crisis situation) at various time points (first 6 hours, 6 to 12 hours, 12 to 24 hours, 24 hours to 1 week, 1 to 4 weeks).
  • WHO Lena –
    • The application offers you tips and tricks and information for communication between the doctor and the patient on various topics and quick links to proven resources related to health
  • mhGAP-IG 2.0 WHO (UA available)
    • electronic version of the mhGAP handbook for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health facilities from WHO

Technical Working Group - Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS)

The Slovakia MHPSS Working Group.

Tenenet oz is an active member of a technical working group focused on supporting the provision of psychosocial support to people fleeing Ukraine under the expert guidance of the World Health Organization.

  1. The task of the working group is to provide a technical platform for a better coordinated and targeted inter-agency emergency response to the needs of mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) affected in Slovakia.
  2. Strengthen the safe and ethical delivery of services in line with Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) standards, analysis and transparent sharing of data and information on MHPSS needs, priorities and activities in Slovakia, including needs assessment
  3. Promote and support quality MHPSS interventions through joint capacity building activities to ensure quality standards
  4. Promote government involvement and leadership and support the representation of various MHPSS partners and stakeholders in the working group, including government partners, UN agencies and I / NGOs

More information about the activities of the working group as well as the involvement of our organization can be found in the attached documents. One-pager is a clear interactive document of involved subjects and contacts on individual actors. It contains a brief description of the implemented activities and links to resources. As part of the international coordination of assistance and improving the provision of our services, we also cooperate with working groups in the surrounding countries and together we share information and procedures in the field of psycho-social support. As one of the outputs, it is possible to use a one-pager working group from Poland aimed at sensitizing communication with people and thus prevent pathologizing and secondary trauma to people coming from Ukraine.

Detailed information and current data can be found on the UNHCR portals :


Endangered identification tools

In preparation for staff working with refugees as well as working with at-risk populations, we have prepared materials provided by UNHCR as well as UNICEF for the needs of our organization. These tools and procedures are implemented in methodologies and procedures within the SOCIO platform . During crisis intervention, as well as follow-up work, it is necessary to focus on the identification of children at risk and at risk. Following the identification, it is necessary to choose the appropriate procedure and prioritize the identified risk groups based on the threat and the need to provide assistance. Various tools and methods can be used to work with potentially risky clients to identify and determine the procedure. Several possible procedures and processes for identification, prioritization and best practices can be downloaded in the annex.

Documents to download

Power point presentation : click here  / презентація powerpoint: натисніть тут


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  • TENENET o.z.
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  • IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
  • Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
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