Disability / old age

People with disabilities

  • they are people with physical, sensory (hearing and visual), intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, who are primarily people: women, girls, men, boys
  • they are not “special” but part of human diversity; Being human has a wide range of possibilities: there are many ways of walking, seeing, thinking, communicating, interacting, etc. and they are all respectable
  • they do not have to be “fixed”, it is rather an environment that must be open to all its members
  • have skills, abilities, experience that can be strengthened and built on through regular case management
  • they have the same rights and obligations as all people

Intrenational rescue committee

Guidelines for social service providers in the provision of social services to persons coming from Ukraine (as of 3 March 2022)

    •  an alien who has been granted asylum pursuant to a special regulation,
  • an alien who has been granted subsidiary protection pursuant to a special regulation,
  • an alien who has been granted temporary refuge in accordance with a special regulation.
  • Persons coming from Ukraine can be provided with a social service under the Law on Social Services and will be in the same position as other recipients
  • database of social care providers in the founding activities of the VUC (possibility to search by location):  https://www.e-vuc.sk/

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family

Guidelines for local authorities, municipalities / social service providers and providers of social services to ensure the immediate provision of social services to persons coming from Ukraine who have applied for asylum, subsidiary protection or temporary refuge – 25.03.2022 to download HERE

Information for first contact people providing social counseling for seniors from Ukraine aged 65+ with a dependence on social services. HERE

Detailed information for people with disabilities can be found on the UPSVaR website

Platform of families of children with disabilities

Website with information for people with disabilities from Ukraine in one place all available information about services, support and counseling services provided by various organizations or professional services providers also for people with disabilities from Ukraine. The network of parent lay counselors already collected the first contacts on Friday and you can find them on the website.


Telephone lines for people with disabilities

Inklu Line – A platform for families of children with disabilities

Good line – iPcko-telephone line, map of help for people with disabilities

Telephone lines for people with disabilities

Useful links – Centered help centers for individual disadvantages:

Financial support for people from Ukraine with disabilities - UNICEF - IOM

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNICEF, in agreement with the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, aim to provide care benefits and support for caregivers of Ukrainian adults and children with severe disabilities living in Slovakia.

BlueDots - Inclusion of disability

People with any type of disability can reach, enter and use any BlueDot device with free movement without facing obstacles.

An inclusive and non-discriminatory approach that ensures that all children and adults, regardless of class, gender, disability, language, ethnicity, religion, nationality, have equal access to these support centers. Adults and children with disabilities and their families should have inclusive and secure access to Blue Dots information and services.

Useful applications - UNICEF App Catalog

Leeloo AAC – Autism Speech App for Nonverbal Kids – ENG, UA,…

  • an application that helps nonverbal children communicate. Leeloo is developed on the basis of the principles of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). What are the techniques of autism treatment and autism therapy in communication.

CoughDrop AACC

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication Support (AAC) A communication and support tool that empowers individuals and teams around them. It is a full-featured communication application designed for individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Rett syndrome or other complex communication needs.

Documents to download

Help map - important contacts



+421 2 21 02 50 75 (daily from 7 am to 7 pm)





Therapeutic story for children from Ukraine to download



  • Together we can Spolumozeme spolumozeme@gmail.com (they communicate in Slovak, English and Russian)


  • Andreas® Autistic Center no
    poradna@andreas.sk (social and rehabilitation services, complementary therapies, leisure activities)


Axis medical

accommodation and medical care for children with disabilities

bas@axis-medical.eu, +421 949 829 23




  • Children with cancer no
    info@detomsrakovinou.sk, 0948 195 398
  • Hope lamp
    +421 908 073 073, office@svetielkonadeje.sk
  • Plamienok no
    • – home visits by a doctor, nurse and social worker to the place of residence of these children in Bratislava and the surrounding area.
    • – consultation with a psychologist and social worker for parents or other adults accompanying the children
    • Jarmila Kovacikova, kovacikova@plamienok.sk, 0907 377 808


You can also find a summary of help for people with disabilities here: https://www.platformarodin.sk/ukraine/ thanks to the Platform of Families of Children with Disabilities

Power point presentation : click here


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    KC Senec Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 166 588
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    Linka pomoci