TENENET is a civil association established in 2011 in Senec. Over the last 13 years, it has expanded the range of its activities; currently, it has branches in western, central and eastern Slovakia and plans to expand further.

In line with the motto “Helping to grow, growing together”, TENENET lends a helping hand to families so that they can overcome demanding life situations caused by financial problems, job loss, social isolation, learning disabilities, gender based violence, substance abuse or mental health disorders. 

By working with experts, building strong partnerships and developing innovative solutions, TENENET brings positive change in crucial topics, such as mental health, social inclusion and education. The concept of the civil association is unique: connecting school, social, health and justice departments, it provides families with full-service support. 

In 2023, TENENET provided services to almost 10,000 clients.

TENENET also includes

  • Centre for Children and Families
  • Outpatient´s Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Centre for Counselling and Prevention in the Area of School Psychology, Speech Therapy and Special Pedagogy
  • Community Centre and Specialised Social Counselling
  • Supported Employment in the Social Economy
  • Centre for Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities

TENENET is a member of many reputable national and international institutions, such as the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), SocioFórum, o.z., Slovak Union of Supported Employment (SÚPZ), Association of Supervisors and Social Counselors (ASSP).

Services provided in 2023

  • More than 10,000 clients
    In 2023, TENENET employees provided services to more than 10,000 clients from all over Slovakia.
  • Intervention services for 406 clients
    As part of the services of community centers, in 2023 social crisis intervention services were provided at the community level to a total of 406 clients.
  • 59 early intervetion services
    Through early intervention services, in 2023 we treated 41 children with disabilities aged 0-7 from the Bratislava Region and 18 children from the Trnava Region. Services were provided not only to children but also to their family members.
  • Private Center for Counseling and Prevention
    In 2023, 1,122 clients were registered in the Private Center for Counseling and Prevention, with whom 959 initial examinations were performed, followed by 2,849 other meetings with clients, during which professional activities such as speech therapy, special pedagogy, and psychological diagnostics, therapy, re-education, and case histories were performed.
  • Psychologists helper 334 clients
    In 2023, TENENET psychologists helped a total of 334 clients during 2689 sessions.
  • Kália 128 active clients
    In Kália – counseling center for women experiencing violence and their children, 128 active clients were registered in 2023, of which we had 72 female clients and 56 children.
  • 1,413 clients from disadvantaged backgrounds
    In 2023 we worked with 1,413 clients from disadvantaged backgrounds (families in material need at risk of poverty, integrated in primary school due to learning or behavioral problems, medically disadvantaged children and young people, former abused children and young people).
  • 5,772 clients from Ukraine
    As part of services for working with people from Ukraine, in 2023 services were provided to 5,772 clients from Ukraine throughout Slovakia. Specifically, it was about psychosocial counseling services, help with accommodation, help with finding a job, humanitarian aid or provision of leisure activities.


  • Adresa a fakturačné údaje:
  • TENENET o.z.
  • Oravská 3083/4
  • 903 01 Senec
  • IČO: 42255015
  • DIČ: 2023343729
  • IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
  • Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
  • VVS/1-900/90-380 68
  • Ak sa Vám činnosť nášho združenia
    páči, podporte nás aj vy:
    IBAN: SK04 0900 0000 0051 7574 8435 Č.ú.: 51 7574 8435/0900

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    KC Senec Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 166 588
    KC Jánovce Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 201 141
    Poradenské centrum Kália – Senec Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 911 856 810
    Poradenské centrum Kália – Trnava Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 911 856 814
    Linka pomoci ukrajina 24/7 +421 911 546 044
    Ambulancia klinickej psychológie Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 945 086
    Linka pomoci