The goal of psychotherapy is to eliminate and alleviate unpleasant symptoms, it is a professional treatment or a space for help if you are bothered by certain personal, family or relationship problems that you can no longer deal with on your own. With the help of therapy, you can better understand yourself, look at a different view of problems, but also find personality reserves or life direction.
Psychotherapy is used for:
✓ psychosomatic difficulties or disorders
✓ neurotic or stressful problems or disorders
✓ personality difficulties or disorders
✓ behavioral and emotional disorders
✓ orientation in difficult life situations or in a new life direction
We offer psychotherapy:
✓ individually
✓ paired
✓ family
✓ group
✓ psychodiagnostic examination for medical purposes
✓ psychodiagnostics for the needs of insurance companies or for work purposes
✓ psychodiagnostics focused on self-knowledge
✓ psychodiagnostics focused on the structure of personality or the level of intellect
✓ differential diagnostics
Relaxation techniques are effective in treating many clinical symptoms. These include as follows:
✓ Autogenous training – is the most used relaxation technique in psychology, created by Johannes Heinrich Schultz, which uses suggestion to induce certain bodily conditions that lead to the relaxation of the body.
✓ Progressive muscle relaxation – is based on the systematic stretching and relaxation of skeletal muscles, which can remove muscle tension. At the same time, pleasant bodily feelings are created, which in turn contribute to mental relaxation. The founder of muscle relaxation, psychiatrist and physiologist Jacobson, assumed that it was impossible to feel nervous or tense if our muscles were completely relaxed.
✓ Hypnosis – used as an aid in coping with stress, neurotic difficulties, phobias, also helps with symptoms such as sleep disorders or pain.
✓ Psychological examination for the applicant for a driving license
✓ Examination of mental fitness for ADR and VRZ drivers
✓ Examination of mental fitness at the time of revocation of a driver’s license
✓ Examination of mental fitness for three offenses
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- TENENET o.z.
- Oravská 3083/4
- 903 01 Senec
- IČO: 42255015
- DIČ: 2023343729
- IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
- Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
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