CORE-ReLief is a project co-financed by Erasmus +, KA204 – Strategic Partnership for Adult Learning.
It brings together partners from six countries (Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Finland, Lithuania, Spain) and lasts a total of 26 months.
The main goal of the project is to facilitate the integration of people with disabilities into the primary labor market, and the main output of the project is a curriculum written in plain text in the working language of the partnership and in 6 CORE languages.
The ReLief consortium (GE, FI, ES, SK, HU, LT) can be used by partnership stakeholders and other partners. The objectives of the project include:
1. Ensure top professional development for adult / professional trainers of the CORE-ReLief course in response to the expected high demand for training.
2. Expand the level of knowledge related to the main topic depending on the country – in Slovakia, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Hungary and Lithuania and other EU countries.
3. Encourage the use of the CORE-ReLief course by elaborating its methodology in more detail.
The proposed project is aimed primarily at professionals in the sheltered labor market and teachers / trainers – social care workers. Each consortium partner will set up a study group of staff who are experts in one or more of the following areas in order to increase the effectiveness of the policy:
· professional educators / trainers for workers in the sheltered labor market
· healthcare professionals
· experts in adult training methodology.
All CORE-Relief results will be available in multilingual versions, free of charge and without restrictions through the Open Educational Resources (OER) platform.
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