Vyberte si sekcie ktoré Vás zaujímajú
Basic terms
- War refugees are granted temporary asylum status under the Asylum Act.
- Under this statute, the employer can employ a resident without a work permit.
- Suspension – on an employment contract or in the form of an agreement
- MLSA SR – prepared detailed information on access to the labor market:
Portal of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic - employment services
- https://www.sluzbyzamestnanosti.gov.sk/?lang=ua
- https://www.sluzbyzamestnanosti.gov.sk/?lang=sk
The portal contains a number of necessary advice and procedures in connection with finding a job for job seekers or offering job positions for employers.
Center for Social Affairs and the Family
UPSVaR provides all the necessary information for refugees on its website in the section Information for citizens of Ukraine in Slovak as well as in Ukrainian.
IOM - conditions of employment at SVK
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
IOM has prepared an overview of employment conditions in Slovakia.
Materials are available in:
- Slovak language
- Ukrainian language
Vulnerable person according to Act 112/2018 on the social economy
- Asylum seeker, subsidiary protection – this person is in accordance with Act 112/2018 is considered a vulnerable person
- Temporary refuge and resident – not considered a vulnerable person
In the event that an alien who has been granted temporary refuge is in an unfavorable social situation, it is possible in accordance with the provisions of § 2 para. 6 letter b) of Act no. 112/2018 Coll. considered a vulnerable person.
How to get a job in Slovakia - advice for Ukrainians
Detailed leaflet – PDF
- https://www.istp.sk/na_stiahn/2294IOM_Brozura_A5_Zamest-na-SK_SK_QR_WEB.pdf
Profesia job portal
General job offers with the possibility of switching to UA.
Offers in UA.
0800 202 202
Profession call center UA
It is possible to check the number 0800 202 202 on Monday, from 8:00 to 17:00. You can also write to us at the e-mail address support@profesia.sk.
ISTP Job Portal –
- https://www.istp.sk
- https://www.istp.sk/help-ukraine?sglocale=uk UA
- https://pretlak.com/?tags=creativeukraineprogram
- https://sgda.sk/#jobs
Bratislava region job offers
- https://bratislavskykraj.sk/ukrajina/pracovne-ponuky/
Other employment opportunities for various professions:
Employment in education
- https://ukrajina.minedu.sk/praca-v-skolstve/
Job doctor University Hospital Trnava
- praca@fntt.sk
ProCare Hospital Network – World of Health – Jobs in healthcare
Jobs for mental health professionals – League for Mental Health
Info how to print job offers for UA via profesia.sk
Profesia.sk info for publishing job offers
It should be written to support@profesia.sk. They can help with tossing credits and offering for free, they do well over the weekend.
Available Martin Szabo +421 915 652 190, employee of the profession.
Power point presentation : click here / презентація powerpoint: натисніть тут
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