Vyberte si sekcie ktoré Vás zaujímajú
Basic information
- financial assistance to people who have left the territory of Ukraine
- subsidies for children
- state social benefit
- refugee training course allowance
- induction with the employer
- care allowances and support for carers
Financial assistance to people who have left the territory of Ukraine due to armed conflict. This is limited support in satisfying the basic living conditions during their stay in Slovakia.
It is incompatible with a dose in material need.
How to register:
- If you have provided a contact Slovak mobile phone number, you do not need to register again.
- If you have not provided a contact Slovak mobile telephone number in the application for assistance in material need, it is necessary that you complete this information immediately or by 31 May 2022 at the latest.
- Registration is also required if you are not a recipient of assistance in material need.
Detailed info:
- Migration Office of the Slovak Republic
- Migration Information Center
Temporary refuge
You can apply in person and electronically:
- in high-capacity centers
- Humené, Michalovce, Žilina, Nitra, Bratislava
- Alien Police Department
Detailed info:
- Migration Office of the Slovak Republic
- Migration Information Center
Nursing benefits and support for carers of Ukrainian adults and children with severe disabilities living in Slovakia.
How to register:
- registration at UNHCR
- more info UNHCR – Help Slovakia
- benefit in material need
- subsidies for children
- state social benefits
- Citizens of Ukraine may be entitled to e.g. for parental allowance or child allowance, if the child’s parent is gainfully employed in the Slovak Republic and has a temporary residence there.
- training course allowance
- induction with the employer
- financial contribution for participation in UPSVaR consultancy
Financial institution
- Slovenská sporiteľňa – help
- ČSOB – help
- Mbank – help
- Postal bank – help
- Tatra banka – help
Most banks provide free or otherwise advantageous products for people fleeing Ukraine
Power point presentation: click here / presentation powerpoint: татисніть тут
- Adresa a fakturačné údaje:
- TENENET o.z.
- Oravská 3083/4
- 903 01 Senec
- IČO: 42255015
- DIČ: 2023343729
- IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
- Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
- VVS/1-900/90-380 68
- Ak sa Vám činnosť nášho združenia
páči, podporte nás aj vy:
IBAN: SK04 0900 0000 0051 7574 8435 Č.ú.: 51 7574 8435/0900