Basic concepts in the types of health care provided
War refugees have secured medical care. In the event of a life-threatening condition, health care is provided immediately and free of charge. MZ SR
Asylum seekers and temporary asylum seekers are entitled to urgent and necessary indicated health care. This also means such health care that the doctor recommends by examination. There is an outpatient emergency service in the relevant region or city, or a central hospital reception.
The existing legal framework stipulates that the necessary healthcare is healthcare that is required by a person’s state of health and must be provided, taking into account the nature of the healthcare and the person’s expected length of stay, so that he or she does not have to return to his or her country she intended. This scope includes any emergency and ambulance treatment. Consultation with a general practitioner, including preventive health care and vaccination, is also considered necessary. Necessary health care is not excluded for chronic diseases such as dialysis, oxygen therapy, chemotherapy, specific asthma treatment, echocardiography in case of chronic autoimmune diseases.
“The person shall prove the right to the provision of health care by an identity card of an alien requesting the provision of temporary refuge or a document on tolerated residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic”
More details
Comprehensive information
Ministry of Health:
Database of health care and social care providers established by the VUC (possibility to search by location):
Important numbers
Urgent health problem – call directly 155 – Ambulance or 112 – Single European Emergency Number.
Outpatient emergency service (weekdays 16:00 – 22:00, weekends and holidays 7:00 – 22:00) – schedule of services:
Prescribing drugs
For citizens of Ukraine with the status of temporary refuge and transit (ie those who only pass through the Slovak Republic):
Prescription and indication restrictions do not apply. In addition to the specialist, the medication can also be prescribed by a general practitioner and pharmacies will accept it.
Prescription drugs can be prescribed by any doctor if the patient pays for them in full. MZ SR
Medicines covered by health insurance can only be prescribed by a contracted doctor, and only to the extent of the patient’s entitlement (only urgent care for transit refugees, necessary care for an equipped status, and full health care for employment and insurance). Part of the drugs is fully covered by health insurance companies, with some patients paying a co-payment in the form of a supplement.
Prescribing prescriptions for UA residents and asylum seekers
In order for a UA detainee or asylum seeker not to have to pay co-payments for medicines, it is necessary to:
- that the medical prescription for medicines, on the other hand, should state “resident” or “asylum seeker” (does not apply to those who only pass through Slovakia), or to state “Health care within the scope of §22 of Act no. 480/2002 on asylum “
- and a copy of the decision of the resident or asylum seeker
- In this case, the surcharge for medicines goes to the account of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. Not all pharmacies are familiar with this, but you need to try it.
- Especially the larger ones in hospitals already know about it.
The first examination of a newborn after discharge from institutional care includes a comprehensive pediatric examination, including a complete medical history and a report from a neonatologist.
Preventive check-ups of children under 18 months of age include preventive examination of children in the scope of the list of procedures
A comprehensive examination of the child before entering the school facility includes a complete anamnesis, examination of all organ systems, evaluation of vaccination, supplementation of vaccination as needed, evaluation of psychomotor development, issuance of a certificate of medical fitness to enter the school facility.
Vaccination: If the child has been vaccinated in Ukraine, the pediatrician may continue to be vaccinated with the vaccine they are vaccinated in Slovakia. Only mandatory vaccinations according to the Slovak vaccination calendar will be reimbursed. If a parent comes with a child who has not started vaccination, the pediatrician can start vaccination according to the Slovak vaccination calendar, but again only compulsory vaccination, but only those patients who have the status of asylum seeker or applicant for temporary refuge or the status of person with temporary refuge. Compulsory vaccination does not apply to transit refugees.
Entrance inspection at the entrance to the school facility
The initial medical examination of a child from Ukraine in connection with the entry into the school facility will be performed by a general practitioner for children and adolescents on the basis of an agreement with the applicant to perform such an examination.
The general practitioner for children and adolescents in whose medical district the applicant has a residence address specified in the certificate of temporary refuge in which medical district the school the child will attend will carry out such an examination.
After completing the initial medical examination, the general practitioner for children and adolescents will issue a “Certificate of medical fitness to visit the collective facility” on the school form, stating the following text “The child is medically fit to visit the collective facility. Vaccination status of the child verified. ”
List of pediatricians – list
COVID - 19
Information about COVID-19 in Ukrainian:
Where can I apply for antigen self-tests?
If the number of accommodated war refugees in the facility is 10 or more, the accommodation facility has the opportunity to pick up antigen self-tests for them at the relevant district office.
Municipal mayors have the opportunity to pick up antigen self-tests at the relevant district office for the needs of municipal residents who provide accommodation for war refugees.
Private persons / residents of municipalities that provide accommodation for war refugees can pick up antigen self-tests for them at the municipal office.
Self-test instruction at COVID-19:
HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus. This virus attacks the human immune system and thus reduces their defenses against disease. The HIV name came from the English name “Human Immunodeficiency Virus”. Ukraine is a country where the incidence of HIV is very high compared to other European countries. Before the war, 250,000 people lived there with HIV.
HIV / AIDS centers in the Slovak Republic are located in Bratislava, Nitra, Banská Bystrica, Martin and Košice. Contacts with addresses:
It is important that a person gets access to medicines as quickly as possible, so it is good that a person from Ukraine has as much medical documentation as possible. If he does not have it with him – it is not necessary for examinations to be performed in Slovakia and treatment to be set up again – Slovak doctors have the opportunity to request the following information from Ukrainian doctors via forms issued by the WHO – document also with forms: https: // apps / iris / bitstream / handle / 10665/353083 / WHO-EURO-2022-5288-45052-64211-eng.pdf? sequence = 2 & isAllowed = y
Where you can test for HIV in Slovakia:
Substitution treatment
Substitution treatment is an effective treatment for opioid addictions (such as heroin) and is also recommended by the World Health Organization. In Ukraine, about 20,000 people received substitution treatment.
In Slovakia, substitution treatment is available for people from Ukraine:
in Bratislava (methadone substitution treatment)
Address: Hraničná 2, P.O.BOX 51, 827 99 Bratislava
Phone: + 421-2- 53 41 74 64; 02/53 41 74 67; 02/53 41 74 72
in Banská Bystrica (substitution treatment with methadone)
Address: Road to hospital no. 55, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
MUDr. Martin Somora – primary: Phone: 0902 533 061 E-mail:
Veronika Končoková – head nurse: Phone: 0903 901 830 E-mail:
Mobile: 0901 911 912 – ambulance
in Košice (buprenorphine replacement therapy)
Address: Skladná 2, 041 90 Košice
Director: MUDr. Boris BODNÁR, Telephone: 055/6222848
Head nurse: Mgr. Eva DUCHOVÁ, Telephone: 055/6222848
Ambulance: 055/6222848
A woman who is not publicly insured, is not insured in another Member State and is a foreigner who has been granted temporary refuge in the Slovak Republic is entitled to emergency gynecological care.
The current list of gynecological clinics can be found at
The University Hospital in Bratislava (UNB) will provide care for pregnant Ukrainians. Contacts (it is necessary to call the secretariat and make an appointment): Nemocnica sv. Cyril and Methodius in Petržalka, Acad. L. Dérer in Kramáry and Ružinov Hospital. source
You can find useful information about pregnancy on this page:
Transport health care
You must order the transport service in advance. The telephone number will be provided to you by the doctor / nurse or can be found on the DZS website that is relevant to the residence.
- You will receive an order for transport from the doctor, ie for medical transport
- You will call the number of the dispatch center of the transport medical service
- Prepare the Shipping Order you received from your doctor and the policyholder’s card
- The operator will ask you for data from both documents, ie name and surname, birth number, insurance company, residence and where and when you are to be transported, diagnosis and escort.
- The ambulance is ordered 24 hours before the scheduled transport.
If the patient is not entitled to an ambulance:
- You can also use DZS as a self-payer. Compared to a classic taxi, it is about 50% cheaper.
- Therefore, if the patient is not entitled to an ambulance, it is good to order ambulance transport as a self-paying person.
- DZS MEDIADOS Bratislava and surroundings. Tel .: 0948 502 177. TU
- Pro Care – The world of health – different regions contact. HERE
- Merea Tel: 0650 555 111: TU
Contacts for dentists in Slovakia who provide free urgent dental health care: There are phone numbers and email addresses for selected dentists and doctors along with the address. The site is in SK, UA and ENG languages. Or also at
Send an e-mail to, attach a copy of the ID status document, and medical reports translated into Slovak. Please wait for further instructions. The ambulance is at the National Cancer Institute (Klenová 1) door number 144, on Monday and Thursday 13: 00-14: 30 ( a Ukrainian doctor will also be available as an interpreter.
Support for cancer patients – UA
NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network®) as an organization whose mission is to improve global cancer care in support of Ukrainian citizens provides free information guides on the treatment and general characteristics of cancer in various organs in Ukrainian at
Manuals can be found on this link, where other foreign language translations are also available:
app. NCCN Patient Guides for Cancer
Dental care
Contacts for dentists in Slovakia who provide free urgent dental health care: There are phone numbers and email addresses for selected dentists and doctors along with the address. The site is in SK, UA and ENG languages. Or also at
Phone support
Health Line for Ukraine:
A quick consultation in Ukrainian is available free of charge, daily from 07:00 to 19:00. by phone or via online chat at +421 2 21025075, web: (Attention! The line does not serve as a first aid line. It is intended for orientation in the Slovak health care system and consultation of health status with medical staff. In case of an urgent problem, it is necessary to call 155 or 112.)
National Mental Health Support Line:
0800 193 193
Mon – Fri: 2 pm – 10 pm
SAT – SUN: 10 am – 6 pm
The services are provided by mental health professionals, especially psychologists specializing in clinical psychology and psychiatrists with certification in psychotherapy and crisis intervention in the current number of 29 specialists.
Application in Ukrainian language teledoc
https: //
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava region opens ambulances for Ukrainians. For more info click:
Medical center Rovniankova 1, Bratislava – Petržalka (info about specific days and times here:
Adult Ukrainian patients will also be helped by two contact centers for refugees from Ukraine at the University Hospital Bratislava, with office hours during working days 8: 00-14: 00: Kramáre: polyclinic part of the L. Dérera Hospital, Limbová 5, Bratislava; Antolská: Hospital of St. Cyril and Methodius, Antolská 11, Bratislava
Outpatient emergency service for children:
- Office hours: Working day: from 16:00 to 22:00; Weekends and public holidays: 07:00 to 22:00
- Bratislava – Kramáre: National Institute of Pediatric Diseases, Limbová 1
- Pezinok: Komplexná zdravotná služba, s.r.o., Bratislavská 85 – 033/6412 120, 0918 080 112
Outpatient emergency service for adults:
Office hours: Working day: from 16:00 to 22:00; Weekends and public holidays: 07:00 to 22:00
- Bratislava: Railway Hospital with Polyclinic, NOVAPHARM, s.r.o., Šancová 110 – 02/3914 3205
- Bratislava – Petržalka: Polyclinic Strečnianska, MED STAR, s.r.o., Strečnianska 13 – – 02/6225 0944
- Malacky: Hospital Malacky, Nemocnicna, a.s., Duklianskych hrdinov 34 –
- Pezinok: Komplexná zdravotná služba, s.r.o., Bratislavská 85 – 033/6412 120, 0918 080 112
Health insurance
Union Insurance Company
Insurance company trust
Help map
Help for people with disabilities and their families from Ukraine
Send an e-mail to, attach a copy of the ID status document, and medical reports translated into Slovak. Please wait for further instructions.
The ambulance is at the National Cancer Institute (Klenová 1) door number 144, on Monday and Thursday 13: 00-14: 30 ( a Ukrainian doctor will also be available as an interpreter.
Veterinary care
Dialysis centers
All refugees who pass through the territory of the Slovak Republic and are in a dialysis program can use the following dialysis centers:
Support for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers
Questionnaire to help pregnant women
Support for drug users living with HIV and people on substitution treatment
+421948 361 094
+421903 786 706
Opportunity to work in health care for people from Ukraine
UA Healthcare workers
Documents to download
- Informed consent to medical services for Ukrainian patients - Methodical guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic on the initial medical examination of children from Ukraine in connection with entering the school facility - Information on clinical trials of drugs - Leaflet – Medical Care – UA Language
5 principles for COVID-19 – UA language
Power point presentation : click here / презентація powerpoint: натисніть тут
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