Through the financial support of the global humanitarian organization UNICEF, UNHCR and in cooperation with the City of Bratislava, we managed to start psychological and social counseling in the large-capacity center at Bottova 7 in Bratislava as well as at the Main Station in Bratislava.
Blue Dots were also established here thanks to the consent and cooperation with the City of Bratislava.
During the month of operation (from March 28 to April 19, 2022), the large-capacity center served a total of 9,930 detainees from Ukraine.
TENENET, o.z. provides:
- Social counseling (accommodation assistance, provision of humanitarian and material assistance, provision of health care, counseling with the nutrition of infants and young children)
- Psychological counseling (psycho-social assistance, crisis intervention for individuals and groups, counseling for children
- Psychological and pedagogical counseling for children
- Repeated-support adaptation programs for mothers with children
During the month of operation (from March 28 to April 19, 2022), TENENET provided approximately 2,000 social counseling and 2,800 psychological interventions.
If you want to help us either as an external colleague or a volunteer, contact:
Silvia Schneider
+ 421 904 825 437
Zuzana Aly
+421 910 553 014
Blue dots on Bottová
The “blue dots”, co-founded by UNICEF and UNHCR together with local authorities and partners, are safe places along border crossings in neighboring countries that provide important information and services to children and families. Blue Dot Centers provide refugees with important information and practical support to help them on their next journey. They identify and register children who travel alone, link them to protection services and offer women referral services, even if they have been victims of violence.
For children, Blue Dots provide a safe, friendly space to relax, play and simply be a child at a time when their world has suddenly turned upside down in fear and panic and they are facing the trauma of leaving family, friends and everything that is known. .

Overall goal: Childcare package & nbsp; Blue dots
is established in Bratislava and is accessible to refugee children and families affected by the crisis in the region, as well as through mobile / field teams if needed.
The key services are:
- Information and counseling stand (including compliance with prevention measures against sexual abuse and violence)
- Premises suitable for children
- Registration and screening of vulnerable children
- Mobile community outreach teams
- Psychosocial services, including psychosocial first aid (crisis intervention)
- Referral counseling services, including basic legal counseling.
- Reference services for cases of violence or health problems and other specific needs
Services available to everyone (1st account services):
Services for all include general knowledge of a wide range of issues, issues and procedures (do not require specialized staff knowledge): & nbsp;
- Needs mapping
- Provision of information
- Operation of areas suitable for children
- Dedicated areas for mothers and babies / toddlers
- identification of unaccompanied children, etc.
- Identification and registration of families at risk and provision of immediate support
- Support for psychologists, social workers in professional interventions only after being sent to the next level of specific support
- Monitoring of all activities and data for the Blue Dots reference system
Services available to identified and recommended people with special needs (2nd line services):
Identification of special needs (required by specialized personnel)
- Reference services for cases involving unaccompanied and separated children, victims of violence, abuse or medical and other circumstances requiring specialized support. •
- Recommendation for legal advice for the promotion and effective access to Ukrainian nationals “and third-country nationals” of the law.
- Psychosocial first aid
- Recommendation of persons to safe areas
Data as of April 26, 2022 (2 months after the outbreak of war):
# children and caregivers with access to mental health and psychosocial support: 90 (10 weeks) – only recommendations to the relevant UPSVR, dept. SPODaSK
# women, girls and boys using interventions to reduce the risk of gender-based violence, prevention and / or response: 3679 (600 per week)
# people participating in regular mobile team interactions: 3149 (500 per week)
- Adresa a fakturačné údaje:
- TENENET o.z.
- Oravská 3083/4
- 903 01 Senec
- IČO: 42255015
- DIČ: 2023343729
- IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
- Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
- VVS/1-900/90-380 68
- Ak sa Vám činnosť nášho združenia
páči, podporte nás aj vy:
IBAN: SK04 0900 0000 0051 7574 8435 Č.ú.: 51 7574 8435/0900