Prison Counseling Centre


The Prison Counseling Centre was established within our organization since January 2021. We build on the cooperation of the Association of Supervisors and Social Counselors, Bratislava, which provided complete post-penitentiary care in the field or outpatient form until December 2020. We currently provide these services within our organization.

The counseling centre is intended for families whose member is in / after serving a sentence of imprisonment and individuals who are conditionally convicted (by letter correspondence) or conditionally released.

We offer our clients:

  • complete post-penitentiary care in outpatient or field form
  • comprehensive social / psychological counseling services, crisis intervention
  • work with the family, where the member is in or after serving a sentence – help in coping with a difficult situation, preparing the family for duties and changes resulting from imposing a sentence, developing parental and relationship skills, maintaining ongoing relationships with families, preparing the family to return the member from service imprisonment…
  • work with a person in or after serving a sentence – get acquainted with all available options to gain a foothold in the labor market, accommodation and financial support. Counseling with a person in or after serving a sentence takes place in person at our premises or by letter correspondence.


The social training program is an alternative form of punishment imposed by the court, usually in a conditional sentence, and is defined in Criminal Code no. 300/2005 Coll. In paragraph 51, letter 4 para. H, where it is stated that the conditional suspension of the execution of a custodial sentence with probation supervision – the obligations consist mainly in the order – “to submit in cooperation with a probation and mediation officer or other expert to a social training program or other educational program.”

The scope of the social program is 30 hours (group form and individual form). The obligation to submit to the social training is in cooperation with the probation and mediation officer.

The goal is :

  • prevention
  • motivation and helping the clients changing their behaviours and attitudes
  • help the clients better orientate themselves in their situation
  • clarify personal and professional goals and desires
  • increase self-confidence, deepen self-knowledge and anchor self-confidence
  • mastering their social skills
  • work to eliminate stigma and labeling – healthy ways of communication
  • reflection and self-reflection
  • strengthening self-esteem
  • emotion processing

Form and content of the program: the program is always adapted to the group. However, we practice a combined form of individual and group sessions. The form and content of the program may vary – depending on the offenses for which the participants in the program were convicted.

Within the criminal law no. 300/2005 Coll. In paragraph 51, letter 4 par. j mentions the possibility – “to undergo good psychotherapy in a trial or to participate in psychological counseling.” Within this point, the program is agreed individually and is paid in accordance with the valid price list.

Assistance to families and people is provided, however, they must have a permanent or usual residence within the Bratislava or Trnava self-governing region.

In case of any questions, please contact


  • Adresa a fakturačné údaje:
  • TENENET o.z.
  • Oravská 3083/4
  • 903 01 Senec
  • IČO: 42255015
  • DIČ: 2023343729
  • IBAN: SK34 0900 0000 0051 2870 7454
  • Registrované na MV SR dňa 19.8.2011
  • VVS/1-900/90-380 68
  • Ak sa Vám činnosť nášho združenia
    páči, podporte nás aj vy:
    IBAN: SK04 0900 0000 0051 7574 8435 Č.ú.: 51 7574 8435/0900

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    KC Senec Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 166 588
    KC Jánovce Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 201 141
    Poradenské centrum Kália – Senec Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 911 856 810
    Poradenské centrum Kália – Trnava Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 911 856 814
    Linka pomoci ukrajina 24/7 +421 911 546 044
    Ambulancia klinickej psychológie Pon - Pia: 8:00 - 16:00 +421 948 945 086
    Linka pomoci